For B2B Financial Services Companies:

How to sign an additional 1-2 new clients per month
using AI-powered cold outreach at scale 🤖

We set up your cold outreach system, scrape the leads, write AI-personalized copy,
and book you calls with your ideal prospects, fully done-for-you

Our Process:

1. Build your Automated Outreach System

First, we set up the tech you need to send 1000s of emails a day to your ideal prospects, without landing in spam.

2. Create your AI-powered Outreach Campaigns

Then, we work with you to build a list of leads in your ideal client profile and write your AI-personalized email copy. Once you approve, we start sending highly personalized emails out to your ideal prospects.

3. Get Qualified Leads on Your Calendar

Lastly, we follow up and nurture positive responses to convert them to sales meetings. We can handle all the inbox management for you, so you just get demos and sales meetings booked onto your calendar, fully done-for-you.

Case Studies:

50+ Meetings Booked, 2 Deals Closed within 90 days
for our client in the Alternative Lending Industry

US companies with at least $1MM in annual revenue,
looking for financing
Client's Challenges:
❌ Needed more appointments for their growing team
❌ Emails were landing in spam
❌ Low reply rates
How we solved their Challenges:
✅ Custom built high volume sending infrastructure
✅ Individually personalized emails with AI
✅ Improved copywriting and targeting

150+ leads generated, 7-figure M&A mandate signed
for our client in the M&A Industry

SaaS companies with $1MM - $50MM in annual revenue, open to selling their business
Client's Challenges:
❌ Trouble creating targeted lead lists
❌ Low conversion rates on responses
❌ Challenges with deliverability/scaling
How we solved their Challenges:
✅ Leveraged better data sources
✅ Improved copywriting and positioning
✅ Improved infrastructure/ deliverability practices

Schedule a free 30 minute consultation:

On this call, we'll audit your current lead generation / sales process
and see if we'd be a good fit to work together.